
By taking FitSmart you will reach your target weight of st probably in the next 25 Days, between the 18 September 2024 and the 13 October 2024


Body fat percentage 25-30%


Body fat percentage 25-30%

Current weight


Target weight



0 st

st st25 Tage

The following areas of the body are particularly tightened:

Neck / chinChest areaBellyHipsThigh

Your personal product recommendation

Top seller

3 packs

Many people also refer to this package as "the new closet package", as many users find that their old clothes no longer fit after successfully taking it and they have to switch to smaller sizes.

64.9 €

33.00 €

Price per pack

Total price 99.00 €


Monika T.

Monika T.

3 monate pack
“Schnelle Lieferung in 2 Tagen. Ich freue mich darauf, loszulegen”
Barbara K.

Barbara K.

2 monate pack
“DHL konnte nicht an meine Adresse liefern, aber der Kundenservice war super hilfreich!.”
Olga K.

Olga K.

Alles in ordnung
"Sehr zufrieden mit FitSmart und den Ergebnissen.”


1 Monat Erfahrung
“Ich werde auf jeden Fall weitere 3-Monats-Vorräte von FitSmart bestellen.”
Maria O.

Maria O.

Schnelle Lieferung
“Hatte einen Sommer mit viel Essen. Jetzt ist es Zeit für eine Diät. Bisher sehr zufrieden.”
Maria O.

Maria O.

"Had a summer with lots of food. Now it's time for a diet. Very satisfied so far."




On July 10th, 2024

Verified purchase

Very fast delivery! Excited to get started

Tilly Long

On July 9th, 2024

Verified purchase

Took a few days longer to arrive otherwise I would have given 5 stars 🙂

Lilly Wilkinson

On July 9th, 2024

Verified purchase

Didnt really believe it but gave it a try! Very happy with the results


On July 9th, 2024

Verified purchase

Very happy with the results so far. Finally found something that works


On July 2nd, 2024

Verified purchase

Finally got what I am looking for to help me loose weight


On June 21st, 2024

Verified purchase

Superb product! Been taking it over a month now. Feeling a difference


On June 21st, 2024

Verified purchase

Great service FitSmart! Received it within a few days.


On June 2nd, 2024

Verified purchase

Fast delivery. Easy to dose. Helps with weight loss because you eat much less and have less hunger.


On June 2nd, 2024

Verified purchase

Very fast delivery. Got my order before the weekend! Lets get going 🙂


On June 2nd, 2024

Verified purchase

My clothes are feeling looser after 3 months !


On June 1st, 2024

Verified purchase

Been using them 10 weeks now do what they say I have now lost 1 stone 5lbs without trying. Amazing much more healthier


On May 31st, 2024

Verified purchase

Got what I needed! Have a 5 pack and 2 months in with super results


On May 31st, 2024

Verified purchase

Feel very good with taking it! 3 weeks in and already feel better and my clothes looser

Cindy Watson

On May 30th, 2024

Verified purchase

Heaving a great start of the year thanks to Fitsmart!


On May 30th, 2024

Verified purchase

Finally a product that works!


On May 29th, 2024

Verified purchase

Took a bit longer the delivery but it was also my fault cause I did complete my address correctly. Customer support was really helpful to get the package to me eventually. Big + for the FitSmart team.


On May 29th, 2024

Verified purchase

Got a 5 pack for me and my wife take! Both 1 month in and already seeing a difference!


On May 28th, 2024

Verified purchase

My mum pushed me to get it so I could start loosing weight. Havent regret it. I am less hungry, with more energy and my clothes are looser around my waist.


On May 28th, 2024

Verified purchase

I put my wrong address when ordering. Customer support helped me really well. Got my package within a few days of ordering.


On May 26th, 2024

Verified purchase

Very very satisfied! This actually works

Highest quality

Secure payment

Express service

Shipped from the EU

European formula